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Our Services

Residential disinfecting


Homebuyers, Sellers & Renters - Homes carry the same risks for infection as any service establishment and therefore should be tested and monitored on a regular basis. Our testing service helps identify contaminated surfaces which allows you to make informed decisions on how to mitigate the risk.

ATP detection


Germs and bacteria left behind after cleaning can quickly lead to guest illness or even worse - an outbreak! Prevent a negative guest experience and protect your reputation by detecting germs and bacteria before your guests do. Delight your guests with a proactive approach to cleanliness and prevent embarrassing accounts by verifying the performance of your cleaning crew. Our rapid results ATP detection and monitoring system will detect contamination and help your housekeepers maintain your cleaning standards

Rapid cleaning verification

Fitness Facilities

Our services provide rapid cleaning verification for surfaces so owners and managers can make sure their facility is clean and safe for members. Cleaning verification ensures that members are using equipment that is sanitary and does not harbor any harmful bacteria or viruses such as Norovirus, Corona virus, E-Coli or even the common cold and can be used to gauge the effectiveness of cleaning crews and sanitizers. Our state of the art disinfection equipment will ensure that your cardio equipment, weights, mats, pools, spas, saunas, locker rooms, restrooms, drinking fountains, snack bars are free of germs.

school germ detection


Schools are a critical infrastructure to society. We all know that and therefore it is our responsibility as citizens, businesses, educators and even government to mitigate the many risks that students face when they attend school. We are in a new era where what we thought was normal is no longer the case. This is one of the reasons that our company is introducing new services which will make schools a safer place for everyone.

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